Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Our Incredible Family Day

Yesterday we had a family day. We don't get them often so we take advantage when we can just get away and have fun. We went to see "Bedtime Stories" at the movies. I would highly recommend. The boys thought it was funny and there was also humor that was funny for Cliff and I. After the movies we went to the boys favorite place -- Icredible Pizza. The boys save their spelling tests that they get 100% and Incredible Pizza gives them $5 on game card for each one. Also, they each got $6 on their cards for having straight A's. Kelton and Arthur drove for the first time -- go karts that is. But, Stevie and I beat them. We spent 5 hours there yesterday. It was fun to spend time together as a family, I think sometimes we forget how important family time truly is.

1 comment:

Gary2 said...

That sounds fun. I think our days are always family days. Just never that fun filled. LOL
May God continue to grant you family days filled with fun.