Thursday, April 23, 2009

Been a long time!

Well, glad to be back on blogspot. I have been facebooking too much to take time to put anything on here. We have been doing many things around here lately. I know you can't imagine that with 4 boys living in this house. We are getting ready to start baseball in Sringfield this year. We decided not to play here in town because being out at the park until 9 or later every night is hard on all of us, not to mention the boys when they have school the next day. The boys are going to play at the 10th Inning program that High Street has in Springfield. We are all excited! Pictures will follow.
I will post some Easter pictures for those who have seen them.
I will try to post something at least once a week, afterall I have nothing else going on! (In case you don't have your speakers on I am laughing really loud!)

Stephen teaching Isaac how to pick flowers.

Isaac squishing the flower that Stephen helped him pick.

The Henry family on Easter Sunday after church at my parent's house.