Tuesday, January 27, 2009

New Stuff

We had our taxes done earlier this week. So, naturally we had to spend some money--it didn't matter that the transportation department warned or advised everyone to stay home. Anyway we got a laptop and a new camera.
So much electronic stuff to play with. Right now Cliff and I are both on laptops. I am on the new one and Cliff is on the youth group laptop.
Here is a picture I took of Cliff on our new camera.

The black and white setting on the camera. Pretty cool if you ask me. I love black and white pictures!!!

Isaac's favorite thing right now. He LOVES Elmo!!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Our Incredible Family Day

Yesterday we had a family day. We don't get them often so we take advantage when we can just get away and have fun. We went to see "Bedtime Stories" at the movies. I would highly recommend. The boys thought it was funny and there was also humor that was funny for Cliff and I. After the movies we went to the boys favorite place -- Icredible Pizza. The boys save their spelling tests that they get 100% and Incredible Pizza gives them $5 on game card for each one. Also, they each got $6 on their cards for having straight A's. Kelton and Arthur drove for the first time -- go karts that is. But, Stevie and I beat them. We spent 5 hours there yesterday. It was fun to spend time together as a family, I think sometimes we forget how important family time truly is.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Welcome 2009

2008 was full of fun and excitment! Look out 2009!
We will be traveling to Geogia this summer with the youth group to camp, Kelton will be an official camper at Children's Camp, Stephen plays in his first Upward basketball game tommorrow, Isaac is developing the love of Sesame Street, Arthur and Kelton will be playing on the same basketball team this year, and many other things that I cannot think of right now.
I look forward to see how God blesses us this year.
Hold on, Here We Go!!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Christmas Day

We had lots of fun visiting all the family this year but my favorite time is when we are home and just us. Here are some pictures from Christmas morning.
Pictures aren't the best our camera was smashed at summer camp this last year so we have been using Arthur's little camera.

Opening one gift on Christmas Eve, they drew names of one brother and Isaac was excited to open the gift from Stephen. Arthur was making sure he opened it ok.

The Christmas tree with presents before the boys wake up!

Boys opening their big gift. This year they got a Wii.

My favorite picture. Everyone playing with new toys and getting along great!

Trip to Boonville

We took a trip to Boonville to see family. Cliff's grandparents and his great grandma live there. It was fun to see everyone and to get some pictures. Only regret was we couldn't go when Cliff's dad went to get that 5 generation picture that is so rare. Maybe soon we can all head back up there.
We saw ice floating in the Missouri river, took the boys to Mizzou to see where the Tigers play and went to Jefferson City to see the capital building. Never knew I learned so much when I went on the 8th grade field trip with Aurora several years ago. (Thanks Heather for making me go)

Boys with their great great grandma Walters. Cliff is her great grandson. She is 96.

Boys with their great grandpa and great grandma Henry.

Cliff with his grandparents. Paul, his grandpa was the first Henry born. His grandfather changed their last name from Heinrich when Paul's dad was 10.

Ice floating down the Missouri River in Boonville