Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Yet something else!

Life is pretty crazy around our house most days. With six people living in one house I don't know how to keep it sane.
Today was just another testament to how great the six of work together. Cliff and I got home from working at the church around 1:30 today and Isaac had been fussy so getting him to take a nap was our first priority. I started rocking him and he was burning up. Fever of 102.5. Cliff got him some medicine and called the doctor while I tried to sooth our littlest blessing.
The boys got off the bus and came in quieter than ever because Cliff had met them to tell them Iz (our family name for Isaac) was sick.
Once at the doctors office he seemed to be feeling better---always happens that way! Doctor looked him over and the last place he looked was his ears. ANOTHER EAR INFECTION! AAAAHHHH!!! This is starting to drive me crazy. This is Iz's fifth or sixth ear infection since he was born.
Another round of antibotics and lots of prayer. Prayers have helped before and I fully trust God that He will take care of him this time.
The ear, nose and throat doctor will be contacting us soon about tubes.
It is hard to see any of my children in pain, but something about a baby in pain is almost unbearable.
Please pray for Isaac and the rest of the family as we have to make decisions about his health.

Arthur got his first 100% on his spelling test today!!! We are very proud of him!

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