Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Amazing children

Children are amazing!
Isaac will be one on November 9, and he is doing things by leaps and bounds. His newest trick besides climbing stairs is walking to whatever he wants instead of crawling. He takes about 7-10 steps at a time. Will try to catch on video.
Stephen will be six on October 7. In the past year he has become a big brother, had a broken arm, and strated kindergarten. What a year for Stephen! Oh, he wants to be called Stephen instead of Stevie---he is growing up he says.
Arthur will be eight on December 29. That is awhile away. He has a mohaw again, but we would expect no less during football season.
Kelton will be nine on October 29. He is getting smarter everyday---sometimes he thinks he is smarter than mom and dad especially where homework is concerned. It is amazing to think how much he has accomplished in the past nine years.
Just a reminder to myself and others God gave us all of our boys and they are all AMAZING!!

1 comment:

Liz said...

I cannot believe how old the boys are. They've grown up wicked fast! Hope to see you soon!