Thursday, December 18, 2008

Snow and Ice

Snow and ice are lovely! There is just something about waking up to a snow covered yard and no tracks on the road yet. The best part about these days is when school is canceled. I love having the boys home the extra surprise days to spend some more time with them. Especially now that I am home I can enjoy all the little things more. Over the past four days we have set up our Christmas tree, wrapped Christmas presents, baked cookies, made meals together, and just spent time together. Who knows what we will get to do today. I REALLY like snowdays!!!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Shepherd's Story

Last night we went to my parents' house for the Shepherd's Story. This is a live nativity that my dad wrote 6 or 7 years ago. Last night we had 12 performers in the production and 2 asleep in the house.
The story tells about Mary, Joseph and Jesus from a shepherd's point of view. It is my favorite thing to do at Christmastime. This makes the Christmas season real for me. We dress in costume and act the story that is recorded on a CD. We tell the story of Jesus' birth and why he came to earth to die for all of us so we could spend an eternity in Heaven with HIM.
We had a special guest last night as well, Santa came. My dad wrote a story of Santa being a shepherd boy that went into Bethlehem to see Jesus as a baby and grew up hearing about all of his miracles and teachings that Jesus did. Also, it explained why Santa wears the colors that he does. Red for the blood that Jesus shed for us on the cross. White for the way Jesus cleans us when we accept Him. The warm costume, the warmth that we feel when we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior. Giving of gifts represents the gift that God gave the world in His only son to save us.
Remember that Jesus is the Reason for this Christmas Season!

All Quite in the Henry House

Today I woke up with no voice. The boys gave a collective cheer.
It is amazing how you can get someones attention without talking. Also, I find myself listening more to others when my voice takes a vacation. During Sunday the girls in my class made mention that they listened harder today than they had in a long time. My voice my go out more often, but only on Sundays. :)

Monday, December 8, 2008

Family Pictures

The entire Carl family got together for some family pictures! Amazing how well 11 people can work together to get this done. Here are some of the pictures.

Front: Papa Steve Carl, Arthur Henry, Stephen Henry, Kelton Henry, Granny Donna Carl

Back: Cliff Henry, Stephanie Henry, Isaac Henry, Sarah Carl, Callie Carl, Stephen Carl

The Henry's family picture. We toook this outside at my parent's place. This is the fence around their wedding chapel. We like this picture the best of the ones we took, the boys personalities are shining through!

This picture was a spur of the moment. The boys wanted a silly picture and papa put the camera on a timer and jumped down on the floor with them, so naturally my brother and I grabbed our babies to "dog pile" papa too! This picture will be cherished for years!

This picture was fun. Cliff and I were taking pictures in front of the wedding chapel and the boys were inside staying warm, we stepped away and my dad said to look at the door-we did and then posed real quick while all the boys were looking out the window to see what was going on.

Never knew pictures with four children would be so much fun! I guess that is because we have fun wherever we go and whatever we do.

Saturday, November 8, 2008


Tommorrow is Isaac's first birthday. I still remember those words that were spoke to me in the doctors office in March of 2007 to tell me that I was pregnant again! I thought God was trying to drive me crazy and He was doing a good job.
Little did I know that God was sending us a little boy that would completely change our entire family. Isaac is no more amazing or wonderful than any of his brothers, but he brings out the best in every person that he meets. If we are in Wal-Mart and someone does not say hi to him he will literally stare them down to get their attention. :)
Another thought that has plagued my memories since November 9, 2007 is when the doctor delivering Isaac told me his cord was around his neck two times. I can remember the nurse putting a blue baby that had no visible life on my stomach and telling me to talk to him and rub his back. Little did I know how that would completely change my life. Isaac has no ill affects so far of his tramatic birth, but I still think about it.
Anyway, we will celebrate his first birthday tommorrow and at 2:46 pm I will think about how God has truly blessed us this past year getting to love, know, and take care of this wonderful gift that we named Isaac Lawrence Henry.

Isaac at Shepherd's Field by the playhouse that was mine when I was younger.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Fun Halloween

The entire family went trick or treating on Halloween. Cliff even dressed up. Those that know him real well will understand this. He wore jeans and a hoodie.
We had lots of fun. It is amazing how trick or treating has changed since I was little. WOW! I feel old now saying that! :)
Cliff had lots of fun since he had never gone trick or treating when he was little.
We have so much candy I think I may last until next halloween.

Kelton was the black Spiderman, Arthur was the blue Jungle Fury Power Ranger, Stephen was Ironman and Isaac was Superman.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


I have seen enough doctors for one day.
This morning I took Isaac to the Ear Nose and Throat doctor and scheduled surgery for tubes for this Thursday at 6:45 am. Hopefully this will help his ears. Please pray for him and Cliff and I during this time. I am somewhat worried about him having surgery, but I'm am confident that God will take care of him!
While fixing dinner I heard the most awful sound that a mother could ever hear. Arthur has fallen and had gotten hurt. He landed on his chin from about four foot up on a ladder I guess trying to climb a tree. He let us try to use butterfly bandages to put the cut back together but we were not successful, so a trip to the ER was neccessary. They were able to get us right in and used glue to put it back together. That was great because I am not sure that either one of us could have handled stitches. I will not post a picture because it looks aweful.
Only one and a half hours until midnight so maybe I will not see another doctor today, but with a housefull of boys you never know!!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Amazing children

Children are amazing!
Isaac will be one on November 9, and he is doing things by leaps and bounds. His newest trick besides climbing stairs is walking to whatever he wants instead of crawling. He takes about 7-10 steps at a time. Will try to catch on video.
Stephen will be six on October 7. In the past year he has become a big brother, had a broken arm, and strated kindergarten. What a year for Stephen! Oh, he wants to be called Stephen instead of Stevie---he is growing up he says.
Arthur will be eight on December 29. That is awhile away. He has a mohaw again, but we would expect no less during football season.
Kelton will be nine on October 29. He is getting smarter everyday---sometimes he thinks he is smarter than mom and dad especially where homework is concerned. It is amazing to think how much he has accomplished in the past nine years.
Just a reminder to myself and others God gave us all of our boys and they are all AMAZING!!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Yet something else!

Life is pretty crazy around our house most days. With six people living in one house I don't know how to keep it sane.
Today was just another testament to how great the six of work together. Cliff and I got home from working at the church around 1:30 today and Isaac had been fussy so getting him to take a nap was our first priority. I started rocking him and he was burning up. Fever of 102.5. Cliff got him some medicine and called the doctor while I tried to sooth our littlest blessing.
The boys got off the bus and came in quieter than ever because Cliff had met them to tell them Iz (our family name for Isaac) was sick.
Once at the doctors office he seemed to be feeling better---always happens that way! Doctor looked him over and the last place he looked was his ears. ANOTHER EAR INFECTION! AAAAHHHH!!! This is starting to drive me crazy. This is Iz's fifth or sixth ear infection since he was born.
Another round of antibotics and lots of prayer. Prayers have helped before and I fully trust God that He will take care of him this time.
The ear, nose and throat doctor will be contacting us soon about tubes.
It is hard to see any of my children in pain, but something about a baby in pain is almost unbearable.
Please pray for Isaac and the rest of the family as we have to make decisions about his health.

Arthur got his first 100% on his spelling test today!!! We are very proud of him!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

I am moving!!


I found a frog in the house today. Those of you who know me well are probably surprised that I am still living in the house. Isaac and I trapped it and then did the girl thing and called Cliff to come get it out of the house. I told him that if it would not have been removed I would have just burned down the house.

Noah should not have put frogs on the ark!!

Pictures from this summer

Papa with all 5 grandkids. Arthur, Papa, Isaac, Callie, Stephen, and Kelton

Granny with all 5 grandkids. Arthur, Granny, Isaac, Callie, Stephen, and Kelton

Group picture at Butterfly Palace in Branson. It was lots of fun!
Isaac keep getting mad because the butterflies would fly off when he finally saw them.

Boys went to Royals Game with Grandpa Jim for his birthday

Just wanted to climb a tree in the park

Isaac wanting to be with his brothers who are just off camera

Cliff, Arthur, Stephen, and Kelton rode Roaring Falls while mom and Isaac stayed dry.

Something New

God gives us new things all the time.
Do we take the time to appreciate what He shows us everyday?
Our family has experienced so many things this past summer and even this past year that will forever change all of our lives.
On Novemeber 9 God blessed us with Isaac. He was born the fourth boy to our family. He was a blessing from God. All things went well until delivery and the doctor said the cord was wrapped around his neck twice. God has blessed Isaac, he has no affects from this ordeal.
This summer as a family we worked camps together, we took a vacation to Branson, we moved, and hit many milestones, especially Cliff he turned 32.
This blog is something new that I will be updating as often as possible. I am excited to not be working outside the home this schoolyear. Being at home when the boys get off the bus is one of the greatest joys I have everyday. Seeing Isaac wake up and look around for me and saying my name is something that will always be a highlight.
I hope you will enjoy these blogs about our family.